Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Outback Blowout

TMBRA race numero dos in Waco, Texas. The closest out of any race in the spring series being only an hour and a half drive. With my race starting at 1:30 in the afternoon and Jeremy at 11, we drove down early in the AM on Sunday. Bikes loaded, lunches, packed we were on the road by 7:15AM. We arrive with enough time to register, eat a quick bite and Jeremy a short few moments to warm up. Not but a short bit later, the PSE guys and experts begin to line up for their start. They are off and Jeremty gets a great jump on the majority of the group, off into the woods and three looooong laps to go. Zippo and I hang around the feed line waiting to hand off liquids in between laps. Post the last hand off Zippo and I head out to prepare for our race. The expert guys start coming in with some exciting last few seconds. Jeremy taking 10th place of all experts.

Now, I haven't a chance to pre-ride the course, all I'm told is it's pretty tough. You would think others racers, not your competition, would try to encourage and not scare a beginner. All in all, having not much time to ride in the two prior weeks, the up talk of the toughness of the trail and competitors lined up next to me a the start, my hopes were not the highest.

The count down happend, I took off around the long half loop of paved start lap allowing others to pass and heading into the woods at mid pack. One competitor, Katy I believe, whom was close behind during most of Bar H, took off and had a nice lead. Without letting that get to me, I continued and was there to just enjoy the race. Maintained a steady pace and raced a clean race. Down the trail it turns out, I see Katy in the distance. What a beautiful thought, not as far behind has I had thought. Keeping at my pace, I continue on and seize the first moment I get to pass. The remainder of the races is full speed to maintain my lead.

The race ends, coming out of the woods and a final sprint to finish. Not totally sure on the finish place but having knowledge of not being last place is nice. Turns out there was another beginner finnishing a ten minutes a head of me, sandbagger maybe. I'm excited about the second place finish on a beautiful day on a wonderful trail. Next up is Warda!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bar H Bash

Bar - H, my first of many to come TMBRA races. Not that I know what any other TMBRA race is like but this particular event was a perfect event to introduce this beginner to racing. Back a few months ago, I was just riding for fun trying to get as much dirt or road, depending on the weather, time would allow. Eventually, I ran into and started hanging out with a group of riders, who were slightly obsessed, wait enthusiastic is a better term, about mountain biking as a sport. Several out of this group were racers, others merely enjoyed the saddle time and camaraderie. It didn't take long for my competitiveness to show and to be convinced to participate in TMBRA. This led to my arrival in St. Jo, Texas one Saturday afternoon. While driving out to the trail, a friend felt it necessary to keep reassuring me that soon the earth would open up and a desirable trail would appear. Cars, bicycles, people, kids, tents spread out all over Bar - H at my arrival time just prior to the mtb games. It was great to see the kids watching in awe of the air being had in the bunny hop competition and distance adding up in the wheelie contest. Several were out enjoying the beautiful weather. The evening was peaceful, burgers were being cooked on the grill and sun was setting. Later that night, I realized I've been living in the city too long and had forgotten how bright the stars get when away from the city lights. As the night went on, peaceful at first then tornado like winds picked up. I'm just glad the stakes in the tent stayed in ground. The morning of the race I ask, are they actually going to make us race in these high winds? Rain, shine or high winds, TMBRA doesn't cancel races, I was told. Nerves began to pick at me, oh no, what if I get last place? Riding and forum jabber has led me to make many friends, I'm up, out and ready to cheer several with good luck at the first start. All this and to figure out what I'll be having to do later that afternoon. Then comes the PSE and Expert guys, these guys are impressive but three laps, that takes a great deal of endurance, more power to you guys and girls. Later in the day, advice is given, you should have this in your water bottle and make sure you pre-ride some before the start, all very helpful suggestions and encouragement. An announcement it made, beginner riders are lining up and Sterling and I are checking out others back legs to watch for competitors. Eventually, after several other beginner classes take off, the girls are called up. There was sizable turn out, friends made in the past several months are lined next to the start line, still giving advice and words of encouragement. One phrase I remember "there is no smiling in mountain bike racing, put your game face on" Every bit of encouragement heard at the beginning and through out the course, truly did help with keeping my legs working and with making the race most enjoyable. With one competitor close behind through the majority of the course, my adrenaline rushed and I did my best. Post races with post race beverages, I met and made more friends and talked about the rest of the series. In the next few months, I'm looking forward to the pre-riding of trails, camping out, racing my bike, making new friends and road trips. Thanks to all, for all the support, advice and friendship. Bar H, the first of many to come. See ya'll at the next TMBRA race!